Delivering Sustainable Future Mobility & Transport Technologies

The use of current and future transport technologies will be essential if we are to meet the Government’s decarbonisation, economic growth and liveable community goals. As a result, it is expected that the forthcoming Local Transport Plan (LTP) guidelines will emphasise the use of both current and emerging transport technologies to further promote public, active and shared transport modes and congestion reduction.

In developing a sustainable transport network, we must be aware of how technology will continue to evolve over the full duration of the LTP and develop technical solutions to maximise transport opportunities whilst providing the framework for economic growth.

Whilst technology will only take us part of the way, New Era LTPs should provide a focus on specific technologies that will become a catalyst for change such as micro mobility modes, on-demand transport, battery electric vehicle technology, autonomous vehicle technologies and mobility hubs, to bring together liveable communities.

The use of transport apps to provide an integrated platform of all available transport modes, otherwise called Mobility as a Service (MaaS), that includes active, social and private modes of travel should be part of this holistic approach, acting as a catalyst for decarbonisation programs and better promoting concepts of 15-minute communities and first mile/last mile travel options.

The use of transport apps to provide an integrated platform of all available transport modes, otherwise called Mobility as a Service (MaaS), that includes active, social and private modes of travel should be part of this holistic approach, acting as a catalyst for decarbonisation programs and better promoting concepts of 15-minute communities and first mile/last mile travel options.

About 80% of the UK, by area, contains of rural communities, where there is a reliance on single occupancy vehicles. Depending on distance, these rural communities could benefit from multi-occupancy on-demand transport which could provide first-mile/last-mile services connecting rural communities to mobility hubs. Such a service would breathe fresh life into rural communities providing the opportunity to expand economic and business centres around mobility hubs.

Achieving our goals for sustainable mobility will not be easy, however funding will be contingent on the delivery of defined plans and therefore Local Transport Plans must:

  • Leverage new and emerging technologies
  • Seamlessly integrate public, active, and shared travel modes in ways that are appropriate to the areas covered by each LTP
  • Utilise technologies to create liveable and sustainable communities
  • Provide incremental plans for delivery to reduce overall risk
  • Demonstrate how economic growth will be achieved and sustained
  • Demonstrate change management, identifying how behavioural change will be achieved
  • Be flexible to allow incorporation of future technologies that are not currently available (eg driverless vehicles)

The next generation Local Transport Plans should be considered a catalyst for change. Our existing transport strategies will need to evolve to maximise the benefits that emerging technologies will undoubtedly make available.

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