22 April 2021
Mobility is an essential driver for sustainable development, due to the social and environmental challenges it presents. With the publication of its Sustainability Report, SYSTRA is fulfilling a regulatory obligation and highlighting the commitments and concrete achievements of its staff on a daily basis and on projects, as well as the main indicators of its sustainable development performance. Discover this report in a digital and interactive version.

SYSTRA’s commitment to sustainable development is part of a structured and open approach which creates value for our stakeholders. Our responsibility is not only to the millions of people who use the transport systems we design, but also to our clients, our employees, and the environment. This document demonstrates how SYSTRA places sustainable development issues at the heart of its activity, as a genuine performance driver and a driving force behind the continuous development of its service offer.

2020 Sustainability Report

The Sustainability Report 2020 presents our approach, our contribution and our indicators in the field of sustainable development in a visual and interactive way.

This report, prepared in line with Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) standards, presents our approach, initiatives, and indicators in the field of sustainable development in a visual and interactive way. It also addresses our contribution to achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), especially on the subjects of gender equality, innovation and measures taken in our projects to combat climate change.  The results are verified by an independent body.

“This document aims to publicise our know-how and to highlight our contributions in the field of sustainable development, because being a responsible company is inextricably linked to our primary ambition: to be the Signature Team for transportation solutions and to have a positive impact on the lives of the millions of people we transport and on the planet.”

Christelle Chichignoud, Group Sustainability Director

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