13 September 2021
MaaS is a solution for user-centred mobility and is at the heart of the issues arising from the health crisis, in a post-Covid mobility environment marked by the rise of active modes of transport, the widespread use of teleworking and the rethinking of public transport business models. SYSTRA explores the challenges of MaaS in a report produced with the French publication Usbek et Rica.

Because MaaS cannot be reduced to a simple smartphone application, this 30-page illustrated document explores all the dimensions: technological, organisational and cultural.

In order to cover the whole subject, we have :

  • Crossed disciplines with the views of urban planners, urban anthropologists-geographers, local authorities and engineers;   
  • Studied its impacts on urban planning, pricing, data governance, and public support;   
  • Explored the various experiments, projects or studies throughout the world (on 4 continents).    

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