09 June 2021
Marked by a global pandemic that has significantly reduced and modified mobility, 2020 was nonetheless a year of strong mobilisation for our teams to continue to deliver projects alongside our clients at all costs. ‘Mobilities, mobilised’ is the theme of our latest Activity Report, which has this dual theme.

‘Mobility’ first and foremost, because it is our business and our passion. This year of collective immobility, by stopping our world moving, has highlighted the importance of mobility in our lives, in our cities, in our territories. And it commits us to see mobility with fresh eyes. We wanted to take a multiple view, through four exclusive interviews with outside experts, whose vision enriches our own experience of this unprecedented period. 

Secondly, we are ‘mobilised’, as we have demonstrated throughout 2020, by continuing to advance projects, win contracts and bring new transport solutions into service. Throughout the world, the commitment and unwavering solidarity of our teams have enabled the SYSTRA Group to weather the storm. 

With this 2020 Activity Report, we also wanted to bring you a touch of sweetness, through the illustrations of Japanese artist Yukiko Noritake, who offers us her poetic and colourful universe.

The Report is also available in an interactive version. Discover it here!

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