SYSTRA has the expertise and resources to support, coordinate and deliver Environmental Impact Assessments (EIAs) for infrastructure and other construction projects – helping clients to secure all-important planning permission for their developments.

Assessing and mitigating environmental impacts

Many infrastructure schemes and construction projects need to gain environmental approvals before planning permission is granted. To deliver sustainable schemes, developers need to understand the impacts of their proposals on the environment and how natural resources can be protected or even enhanced by their projects.

To gain planning permission, certain developments need to undergo an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA). Large-scale transport infrastructure schemes are likely to require an EIA, as are many other projects that have significant environmental consequences due to their size or location. Developers need to ensure they comply with all requirements for assessing, reporting on and mitigating environmental impacts, to have the best chance of securing planning permission.

The environmental team at SYSTRA is committed to supporting sustainable development. Our specialists offer the full range of technical capabilities required to fulfil all government requirements for Environmental Impact Assessment, helping developers to achieve planning permission and deliver projects in harmony with the environment.

Discover how SYSTRA has applied innovation, technology and ingenuity to re-think infrastructure engineering solutions to optimise time, budget, safety and sustainability.

SYSTRA provides a complete Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) service for infrastructure and development projects, covering screening, scoping, statement production and post-submission support.

Environmental Impact Assessment screening

Our Environmental Impact Assessment service begins by helping clients understand whether an EIA is required for each specific project. An EIA is always required for developments covered by Schedule 1 to the 2011 EIA Regulations, which includes all large-scale transport infrastructure projects. Schedule 2 sets out other types of development that may require an EIA, due to their size, location or operations.

Assessing the scope of the EIA

For any development that requires an Environmental Impact Assessment, our specialists carry out a scoping exercise to determine which aspects of the development scheme and the local environment need to be assessed. For example, if certain protected species are not present on site, these do not need to be assessed, or if the proposed development will not generate significant traffic, the impact of this will not need to be assessed. These initial studies establish the full scope of the EIA.

EIA expertise for major infrastructure projects

Our EIA specialists can assess all major infrastructure projects, with particular expertise in assessing the environmental impacts of linear infrastructure, such as roads and railways.

Clients can rely on our expertise to deliver proportionate EIAs with consistent content covering all of the environmental topics relevant to each development and its location. We know how to produce Environmental Impact Assessments that meet all legislative requirements, addressing all appropriate environmental impacts.

Our EIA work gives clients the best chance of securing planning permission for their proposed developments.

Complete EIA coordination and delivery

Our EIA specialists provide a complete one-stop service. We coordinate the entire project, from initial screening and scoping through to producing the Environmental Statement (ES) report and supporting any post-submission processes, such as ongoing monitoring.

We give clients a single point of contact for the entire EIA process, simplifying the project and ensuring reports are submitted to planning authorities on time, to prevent project delays. Our team has most of the technical disciplines required for EIA delivery in-house, complemented by well-established supply chain partners to provide additional specialist support. All assessment works, scoping and reporting are coordinated by our team.

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