SYSTRA traffic engineers support local authorities, private sector clients, transport planners and operators to develop highway infrastructure schemes that improve road safety, expand capacity, enhance sustainable and accessible transport options and address sustainability objectives.

Traffic engineering to improve safety, sustainability and capacity

Creating safer road networks while increasing capacity and meeting sustainability objectives is a complex challenge for local authorities, private sector clients and transport planners. Many factors must be considered in planning and designing road infrastructure to achieve specific objectives, whether that is reducing collisions, improving air quality, supporting more sustainable transport options or improving the environment for vulnerable users.

Traffic engineering helps to achieve the most effective outcomes for road infrastructure planning and design. The work of traffic engineers covers initial traffic studies and research through to detailed traffic modelling and scheme implementation – from traffic calming measures to parking and public transport improvements.

SYSTRA has a successful track record of delivering practical and affordable traffic engineering and road safety solutions – helping public and private sector clients to address a whole range of traffic-related issues and priorities from scheme conception through to delivery.

Discover how SYSTRA has transformed ideas into deliverable strategies, for implementing new infrastructure or making a step change in service provision.

The traffic engineering team at SYSTRA offers a range of services to help clients develop highway schemes that provide effective solutions to today’s transport issues.

Delivering safer, more sustainable traffic networks

SYSTRA helps to support the design of transport schemes to increase highway capacity, improve road safety, reduce collision risks, enhance public transport services, reduce emissions and address other key highway infrastructure priorities.

Our traffic engineers have the expertise to consider and balance the multiple factors and requirements of road infrastructure projects, using advanced traffic modelling software to support our analysis and recommendations. From studying collisions to analysing complex traffic-management problems, we help clients to deliver a whole range of schemes, such as:

  • Implementing effective road safety measures.
  • Developing bespoke public transport, cycling and walking schemes.
  • Maximising car park layouts.
  • Designing temporary or permanent traffic management.

Traffic engineering services – from planning to implementation

We work with clients effectively from the feasibility stages through to implementation across a wide range of disciplines. Our traffic engineers adopt a thorough, analytical approach to solving problems – helping to deliver cost-effective solutions that we enhance by integrating environmental and sustainability measures.

Our approach ensures that we deliver effective, cohesive, coherent solutions to the traffic engineering challenges we face today. The schemes we devise always respond sympathetically to their context and environment.

Comprehensive road safety audits

When it comes to road safety, SYSTRA applies a rigorous approach to assessment, auditing and solution development. We offer the full range of road safety auditing services for both local authority and trunk road networks, providing sensible, pragmatic and robust audits.

We are qualified in line with the requirements set out in the Design Manual for Roads and Bridges standard GG119 ‘Road Safety Audit’.

Road collision analysis and safety improvements

Our team has extensive experience in investigating and analysing road traffic collisions, and providing a full range of road casualty reduction services. We gather information from a variety of sources and analyse Stats 19 reports to identify the root causes of recorded collisions. This analysis enables us to develop suitable, evidence-based remedial measures to reduce the risk of future collisions and enhance road safety for all users.

How can our experts help?

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