
As a transport and mobility engineering company, we have a huge role to play in the field of sustainability, in all its aspects.

We want to preserve the environment, accompany our clients towards sustainable mobility, and be a committed and responsible employer.

Health, Safety & Security 

SYSTRA is synonymous with operational excellence, and that does not happen without the mobilisation of our employees, partners and clients to ensure the health, safety and security of the public, by proposing clean, reliable and safe transport systems. We also have a responsibility towards our colleagues, the employees of construction companies that we supervise, and operators, by offering a working environment, equipment, an organisation and know-how enabling work with complete peace of mind and confidence.

Ethics and Compliance

Our ambition to be the signature team for transportation & infrastructure solutions is driven by our commitment to business Ethics & Compliance (E&C). Providing clear guidance to our employees and our endeavor to work closely with clients and business partners to promote ethical business practices, is an innate feature of our execution strategy.