Technical details
Nodavia S.c.p.A. (General Contractor)
Detailed design

SYSTRA was responsible for detailed design of the underground infrastructure for the Florence High-Speed Rail project. This was part of the complex retrofit infrastructure program of the high-speed railway network between Milan and Naples, Italy. The project nine miles long and mainly characterized by three functional components:

  • The underpass of three miles of twin-bored tunnels (for a total length of six miles), constructed using a TBM machine and two sequential excavation method tunnels.
  • The Belfiore underground station that was constructed with the top-down technique.
  • The overpass that facilitates rail traffic between Firenze Castello and Firenze Rifredi stations.

The new underground line crosses Florence’s city center, running under more than 200 historical buildings. Therefore, the focus was on the design of passive and active protection measures such as deep soil mixing and soil freezing techniques.