International Bridge Technologies

El Corozo Footbridge – Matagalpa, Nicaragua

Technical details
Bridges to Prosperity and San Dionisio Municipality.

Construction Completed: 2016

Matagalpa, Nicaragua
Kiewit Bridge and Marine, Bridges to Prosperity, San Dionisio Municipality.
Financed by: SYSTRA IBT and Kiewit Bridge and Marine.
SYSTRA IBT Role: Sponsor, design planning and construction.

The El Corozo footbridge provides year-round safe access to schools, health care centers, markets, government services, and employment opportunities in San Dionisio to four rural communities totaling 2,141 people. The SYSTRA IBT-Kiewit team shared their bridge-building skills with community locals to not only construct the footbridge, but also to empower the community with the pride and skills needed to maintain the bridge in the future.

With this newfound partnership and the use of innovative construction methods, the El Corozo footbridge was completed ahead of the 10-day schedule in April 2016.

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